Teachers’ Knowledge on Classification and Binomial Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants and Inclusion of the Plants in Current Curriculum in Nekemte Primary Schools, Ethiopia

Flora; Garden; Identification; Hierarchy; Market segment; Surveyed species


  • Fufa Kenea
    Biology Department, Nekemte College of Teachers Education, Ethiopia
January 1, 2024


Background: Cultivated plant species have been classified scientifically and named using binomial nomenclature. However, the current level of understanding by primary school teachers on classification and binomial nomenclature of cultivated plants as well as the extents of inclusion of the plants in the school’s curriculum have not yet been explored.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess how well primary school teachers understand the classification and binomial nomenclature of cultivated plants, as well as how many of these kinds of plants are available in Nekemte marketing segments and included in the curriculum of primary schools.
Materials and Methods: To gather data concerning teachers’ knowledge on classification, binomial nomenclature, and species lists, an exploratory sequential descriptive type design was implemented. A total of 44 teachers from 11 primary schools who were selected at random using the lottery method were participants in the study. Three market segments, few gardens, volumes of Flora books and primary school textbooks were also purposely referred to as data sources. The design followed was exploratory sequential
descriptive type in which qualitative data were collected first followed by gathering quantitative data.
Results: The total species reviewed from Flora, market survey, previous and pilot student textbooks were 112, 99, 50 and 43 respectively. The 99 surveyed plant species were identified under 79 genera, 36 families, 26 orders and two classes. Comparison of mean differences obtained from analysis of variance were found significance at F 0.05 (2, 15) and P = 0.029 as well as at F 0.05 (3, 172) and P = 6.4 x 10−24 for the measured variables.
Conclusion: The study indicated that the sampled participants' knowledge gaps were wide. Only one out of four of them had the necessary knowledge on the topic. Statistical tests proved this finding to be significant at  Alpha Symbol and Its Meaning - Mythologian= 0.05. The results imply that actions need to be taken right away by curriculum developers, policy makers, teacher educators and other concerned bodies to reduce the indicated wide knowledge gap.