Investigations on the Effect of Ball Burnishing Parameters on Surface Roughness and Corrosion Resistance of Hsla Dual - Phase Steels


  • D. Srinivasa Rao
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Golden Valley Institute of Technology, India
  • H. Suresh Hebbar Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, India
  • M. Komaraiah Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osmania University, Ethiopia
  • U.N. Kempaiah Department of Mechanical Engineering, Golden Valley Institute of Technology, India
January 1, 2008


Surface finish has a vital influence on most functional properties of a component, such as fatigue strength, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. This has led to processes such as lapping, honing, and burnishing. Burnishing is a fine finishing operation involving the cold working and plastic deformation of surface layers to enhance the surface integrity and the functional utility of a component. This study has been carried out to establish the effect of burnishing parameters, i.e. feed rate, speed, force, ball diameter and lubricant on surface roughness and corrosion resistance of HSLA dual – phase steel specimens. The result indicates that burnishing parameters have a significant effect on surface roughness and corrosion resistance.