Exploring the Status and Correlation of Care Services and Psychosocial Well-being of Children in Orphanages in Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia

Caregiving; Clothing; Education; Food; Health; Housing; Psychosocial services


June 1, 2024


Background: In Ethiopia, orphanages are formal institutions designed to provide care services to orphanage
children to support their overall well-being. However, the status and correlation of care services and
psychosocial well-being of children have not been comprehensively assessed in orphanages. Research on such
aspects of care services and psychosocial well-being will help to undertake knowledge-based interventions
and advocacies to improve life of orphanage children.
Objectives: The present study was conducted to explore the status and correlation of orphanage care services
and the psychosocial well-being of orphaned children.
Materials and methods: A quantitative survey was conducted with 115 children (60 males and 55 females)
from two orphanages. One-sample t-tests and correlation analysis were used to explore the status and
relationships of care services and psychosocial well-being, respectively.
Results: Mean scores for food, education, housing, and access to healthcare (M = 17.36, M = 22.05, M =
17.71 at P < 0.001; and M = 37.45 at P < 0.05) were significantly higher than their expected means (16, 20,
16, and 36, respectively). Mean scores for self-esteem, hopefulness, and social relationships (M = 30.03 and
M = 25.24 at P < 0.001; and M = 37.18 at P < 0.05, respectively) were significantly higher than the expected
means (28, 24, and 36, respectively). Psychosocial well-being of children was significantly and positively
correlated (r = 0.545, r = 0.589, r = 0.477, r = 0.666, r = 0.567, r = 0.458, and r = 0.530 at P < 0.001) with
food, education, housing, healthcare services, psychosocial services, clothing, and caregiving, respectively.
Conclusion: The presence of such significant and positive correlation between care services and psychosocial
well-being of orphanage children implies the importance of these care services to enhance psychosocial well
being outcomes.