Analysis of Action Research Conducted by Student Teachers and its Facilitation by Teacher Educators at Haramaya University, Ethiopia


  • Adinew Tadesse
    College of Social Sciences & Humanities, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
June 1, 2011


This study examined action research conducted by student teachers, a major education component in the preparation of teachers in Ethiopia. It sheds light on the existing practices of engaging student teachers in action research and its facilitation at the Faculty of Education of Haramaya University. Data were gathered from student teachers, teacher educators and cooperating teachers who were involved in the practicum program during the 2007/2008 academic year. Accordingly, the findings showed that the effort made to restructure a very technical practicum model into one that has inquiry as its basis is appreciative. The student teachers, the teacher educators and the cooperating teachers involved in the study noted that action research work helps student teachers adopt an inquiry-based approach towards teaching. Nevertheless, the participants were highly critical of the existing practices of preparing student teachers and involving them in action research at the Haramaya University.